

Brix education is aimed at providing education, support resources and skills, tutoring and facilitation services, career development and counselling as a way of giving back to society. It is a modernized digital technology solution that provides a bit of both virtual and In-person interactive support and learning .We use E-learning to facilitate meaningful learning, learning that allows students to get feedback at an instant, this helps our curriculum and teaching team to be able to shape the content to user specific needs, while also giving the student a safe space for intuition, asking questions, sparking curiosity and creativity and not just a mere recall and repetition of facts.

Our approach to a blended learning will enable our students to reach their full potential, we are shifting the focus from the ideology of formal learning that only happens at the school environment, micro-learning can be done informally, anywhere , at one’s own comfort and convenience , learning does not have to be dull and boring.

We have put our focus on learning solutions rather than teaching , we acknowledge that there are experienced professionals across the sector and we work with these professionals to bridge the skills gap, these professionals are our partners in creating learner centered solutions.

Inequality in South Africa has created a huge gap of quality education between the haves and the have-nots, It is our responsibility together with the government and all stakeholders in education to ensure that learning never stops despite the challenges. The future of our country will strongly depend on the ability to use education to transform knowledge into skills, memory doesn’t play a significant role in the retention of knowledge , this could be, research skills, communication skills or even workplace competency. We are Re-thinking and Re-shaping education.


  • Free Youtube content lessons
  • Interactive LMS ( canvas) enrolled students are automatically registered on our LMS
  • live online classes
  • one-on-one sessions (in-person)
  • 24 hour support
  • digital resources and learning material

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